We are all trying to help better our planet through many great efforts, such as recycling and composting. But one of the most important things we can do is reduce the amount of water we are using on a daily basis. It may not seem like we are wasting a lot of water, but when we really start to look at how much we use, it may be downright shocking. Today, we’ve compiled a list of some of the ways we can help slow the flow of water use and in turn help save the planet.
1) Pick foods that need less water
All of the food we eat needs water, but some need more than others. Choosing a more plant-based diet will help lower the amount of water needed to produce the food you eat.
2) Be a conscious buyer
One thing that often gets overlooked when it comes to water consumption is the products we buy. Things like clothing, household items, and so much more use water when being made. Therefore, consider what you are purchasing and if possible cut back on the items you don’t need.
3) Change the faucets and showerheads
One way to save water is by changing faucets and showerheads to low-flow options. This reduces the amount of water you use each minute. Plus they are a pretty simple switch you can do on your own.

4) Recycle where you can
There are several simple tricks you can do to help save water, by simply using it somewhere else. Save the cold water when you’re waiting for it to heat up to use for watering plants. Or use that water to cook with later.
5) Reuse rainwater
If it’s possible to collect the rainwater in your area, then you have a great way to later water your plants. Both inside and outside plants can be watered later with the rain you’ve collected.
6) Monitor the water bill
If you consistently monitor your water bill, you’ll be able to notice if there is a sudden spike in your water usage. And that sudden spike could mean a leak, which will need to be fixed quickly. But it will help you keep on top of your water usage and when something goes wrong.
7) Rinse the razor
Instead of running your razor under running water, fill the basin up with a couple of inches of water. This will help lower the amount of water being used while doing the job just as effectively.

8) Check for leaks
One of the biggest contributors to water waste is leaks. You should check your toilets, faucets, and piping to see if there are any leaks. Get those fixed immediately to help you not only save water but to lower your water bill as well.
9) Turn off the faucet
When you’re brushing your teeth, turn off the running water. Or when you’re washing your hands, turn off the faucet when lathering the soap.
10) Don’t use the toilet as a garbage
Instead of throwing things, like cigarette butts and tissues, into the toilet, throw them into the garbage. This will save a flush and in turn, save a bit of water.
11) Take shorter showers
One simple way to lower your water usage is to take a shorter shower. By cutting down on even a few minutes of your shower, you’ll be saving several gallons of water each time.

12) Use the dishwasher
When given the option, choose to use the dishwasher over hand washing dishes. The dishwasher is more efficient and saves way more water than when you do it by hand.
13) Run full loads
Whether talking about the dishwasher or the washing machine, always go for a full load. This will cut down on the number of times you’re running the machine, but also you’ll be getting the full use out of it.
14) Don’t let the water run
When you have to wash dishes by hand, fill the basin up with soapy water. Gallons of water are wasted when you let the water run while washing dishes. Turning off the faucet also applies to other things, like washing vegetables as well.
15) Only use the garbage disposal minimally
The garbage disposal uses a lot of water to get the food to go down. Instead, throw the waste food into the compost or directly into the trash to avoid it going down the drain.
16) Keep drinking water in the fridge
To avoid having to run the water while it cools for drinking, put a pitcher of water in the fridge. This way you’ll always have cold water ready to drink.

17) Fill up the cup
When you get a glass of water, only fill up what you are going to drink. However, if you get too much, don’t dump the excess water down the drain. Save it for the next time you need a drink.
18) Avoid the single-use water bottle
When you are grabbing a drink, try to avoid the single-use bottle. Either grab a glass from the cupboard or take a reusable water bottle with you. Not only is plastic bad for the environment, but it also takes a bit of water to make these bottles.
19) Don’t throw out the water
Sometimes using a single-use water bottle is the only option. On those days, be sure to not throw out the bottle with some water still in it. That water can be saved to drink later or can be used to water plants among other great options.
20) Pack a reusable water bottle
Rather than drinking from the fountain that has wastewater, head out in the mornings with a reusable bottle. There are many great options to choose from. And any of the water you don’t use at the end of the day can be used to water plants.
21) Share the knowledge
Now that you know how to lower your water usage, share this information with those around you. The more people involved, the more water is saved.

Though this is in no way a full list of all the ways to reduce your water usage, this is a great place to start. Are you going to be trying any of these new options? And what things do you already have in place to slow your water usage? Hop on down to the comments to let us know.
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